Core Areas of Experience

Research (in-situ and ex-situ) | Biology | Botany | Chemical and Behavioral Ecology |  Conservation | Sustainability | IUCN Red List Assessment |Evolutionary Biology| Analytical Chemistry Techniques |DNA Extraction and Analysis |Statistical Analyses | Curriculum Development | Academic Instruction | Professional and Academic Writing | Public Speaking | Organizational Partnerships | Team Building and Management | Essential Oil Science | Conservation Aromatherapy™


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – 2013

Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, BC, Canada)
Major: Biology

Certified Essential Oil Therapist (RA, EOT) – 2009

West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy (Delta, BC, Canada)

Master of Science (MSc) – 2006

Oxford Brookes University (Oxford, England, UK)
Major: Conservation

Bachelor of Science (BSc) – 2004

California State Polytechnic University (Pomona, CA, USA)
Major: Biology
Honors: Cum Laude

Associate of Arts (AA) – 2002

Crafton Hills College (Yucaipa, CA, USA)
Major: Liberal studies

Research Experience


  • Endangered rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora) cultivation (2019) Peru
  • Data collection for genetic analysis and population density of muna (Minthostachys spp.) (2019) Peru
  • Endangered rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora) expedition (2017) Peru
  • Medicinal and aromatic plants and their use in traditional medicine (2015) Peru
  • Natural history expedition (2005) Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
  • Amphibian vocalizations, feeding guilds of birds, habitat comparison and ant hierarchies (2004) Costa Rica
  • Sea turtle migration, feeding guilds of birds and ants, mammal density, and vegetation sampling (2003) Mexico
  • Small rodent distribution and vegetation sampling (2002 – 2003) San Dimas Experimental Forest, USA


  • Highly Traded Threatened Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) Used in Clinical and Pharmaceutical
    Evidence-Based Research: An Integrative Review (2023 – Present ), Airmid Institute, USA
  • Adulteration of rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora) essential oil (2021 – Present), Airmid Institute, USA and
    Laboratoire Phytochemia, Canada
  • Local mate competition, and mechanisms, functions, and fitness consequences of courtship and mating
    behavior in the parasitoid wasp Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) (2006 – 2012) Simon Fraser
    University, Canada
  • Alkaloid presence in the slow loris Nycticebus javanicus (2011) British Broadcasting Company (BBC)
    documentary; Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia
  • Social and solitary behavior of the Northern Ceylon slender loris and the red slender loris as a result of
    visual, auditory, and odor enrichment (2004 – 2005) University of Ruhr, Germany
  • Effects of enrichment on a captive population of orangutans (2003 – 2004) Los Angeles Zoo, USA
  • Effects of enrichment on captive animals (2003) Los Angeles Zoo, USA

Academic Publications

  1. Reven, M., Bowles, E.J., Ablard, K.M., et al., (in review) Essential criteria for reporting of aromatherapy-focused research in humans: An international Delphi consensus study protocol. PLOS ONE.
  2. Nørgaard, C., Ablard, K.M., Dundore, M. (in progress) Case Study: Devil’s Club and Fibromyalgia. International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy
  3. Ablard, K.M. (in press) Safeguarding Threatened Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) Used in Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy. 13 (3), p17-20.
  4. Johnson, S., Canney Davison, S., Ablard, K.M., et al. (2024) Good intentions meet complex realities: CITES listing of diverse frankincense (Boswellia species) might do more harm than good. Forest Policy and Economics. 163.
  5. Ablard, K.M. and Rhind, J.P. (2022) Mopane (Colophospermum mopane J. Kirk ex Benth.): Essential oil profile
    and sustainable management in Namibia. International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy, 11(2).
  6. Johnson, S. and Ablard, K.M. (2020). Frankincense: Tapping into Sustainability. The International Journal of
    Professional Holistic Aromatherapy, 9 (3).
  7. Ablard, K. (2020). Aromatic Medicinal Plants: Cultivating Conservation Consciousness. International Journal
    of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy, 9 (2b).
  8. Ablard, K.M. (2020). Airmid Institute: Protecting Aromatic Medicinal Plants for Future Generations.
    International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy, 14 (1&2).
  9. Ablard, K.M. (2019) Rosewood (Aniba rosaedora): time to take heart; South African Association of
    Aromatherapy Journal
  10. Ablard, K.M. (2018) Essential and carrier-oil bearing plants: conservation consciousness. Journal of
    Medicinal Plant Conservation,
  11. Ablard, K.M. (2018). Putting Consciousness Back into Conservation of Aromatic Plant Medicine. The
    International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy, 7(2).
  12. Ablard, K.M. (2018). An Overview of Mintostachys South America’s mint. The International Journal of
    Professional Holistic Aromatherapy, 6(4).
  13. Ablard, K.M. (2016). Exploring Aromatherapy as a Form of Traditional Aromatic Plant Medicine in Peru. The
    International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy, 5(1).
  14. Ablard, K.M., Simonetto, K., Weir, K., Crespi, B.J., Schaefer, P.W., and Gries, G. (2014). First-male sperm
    precedence and pre- and post-copulatory rituals in the parasitoid wasp Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Hymenoptera:
    Encyrtidae). The Canadian Entomologist,
  15. Ablard, K.M., Schaefer, P.W., and Gries, G. (2013). An alternative reproductive tactic: a parasitoid wasp
    gathers and guards a harem by pheromone-tagging virgins. Behavioural Processes, 94, 32-40,
  16. Ablard, K.M., Gries, R., Khaskin, G., Schaefer, P.W., and Gries, G. (2011). Does the stereochemistry of
    methylated cuticular hydrocarbons contribute to mate recognition in the solitary egg parasitoid wasp
    Ooencyrtus kuvanae? Journal of Chemical Ecology, 140(2),
  17. Ablard, K.M., Fairhurst, S., Andersen, G., Schaefer, P.W., and Gries, G. (2011). Mechanisms, functions, and
    fitness consequences of the pre- and post- copulatory rituals of the parasitoid wasp Ooencyrtus kuvanae.
    Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 140 (2), 103-111,
  18. Somjee, U., Ablard, K.M., Crespi, J., Schaefer, P.W., and Gries, G. (2011). Local mate competition in the
    solitary wasp Ooencyrtus kuvanae. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65 (5), 1071-1077,
  19. Ablard, K.M. (2006). Social and solitary behavior of the Northern Ceylon slender loris (Loris tardigradus
    nordicus) and the red slender loris (Loris tardigradus tardigradus) as a result of olfactory, visual, and
    auditory enrichment. Canopy, 4 (2),
  20. Ablard, K.M. (2005). Behaviour of the northern ceylon slender loris (Loris tardigradus nordicus) and the red
    slender loris (Loris tardigradus tardigradus) as a result of olfactory, visual, and auditory enrichment. Canopy,
    4 (1),


  1. Johnson, S., Canney Davison, S., Ablard, K.M., et al. Considering CITES Listing for Frankincense (Boswellia
    spp.) a Non-Lethally Harvested Non- Timber Forest Product. Forest Policy and Economics.


  1. Ablard, K.M. and Galia, F. (in print) No Place for Plants. IngramSpark

Book Chapter

  1. Nekaris, KAI, Pimley, and Ablard, K.M. (2007). Predator Defense by Slender Lorises and Pottos. In Primate
    Anti-predator Strategies
    (Eds Sharon L. Gursky and K.A.I. Nekaris). Springer, New York, NY: pp.222-240.

Non-Academic Publications

  1. Ablard, K.M. and Stringer, J. (2023) Children’s Education Meets Nature: Airmid Institute’s Junior Airmid
    Ambassador Program
  2. Ablard, K.M. and Mojay, G. (2023) Sustainability of Dutjhan. In Essence.
  3. Ablard, K.M. and Rhind, J.P. (2023) Omumbiri (Commiphora wildii Merxm.): essential oil profile and
    sustainable management in Namibia. In Essence.
  4. Ablard, K.M. and Mojay, G. (2022). Part 1: Ecology & Custodianship. The Sacred Dutjahn Tree.
  5. Ablard, K.M. (2019, Fall). Atlas Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) essential oil: Exploring Alternatives. In Essence
  6. Ablard, K.M. (2017). Conservation of Essential and Carrier Oil-Bearing Plants. In Essence
  7. Ablard, K.M. (2021). Sandalwood: conservation and custodians. In Essence.
  8. Ablard, K.M. (2021, Autumn). Climate change: will aromatherapy weather the storm. Aromatika. 8 (3.1),
  9. Ablard, K.M. (2020). Future of aromatherapy education: protecting threatened plants. Future of
    Aromatherapy Professional Compendium – NAHA
  10. Ablard, K.M. (2020, Autumn). White sage: a sustainable vision quest. Aromatika. 7 (3.1),
  11. Ablard, K.M. (2019, Fall). Atlas cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) essential oil: exploring alternatives. In Essence.
  12. Ablard, K.M. (2019). Palo santo: the importance of botanical names. Archived.
  13. Ablard, K.M. (2018, Autumn). Atlas cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) essential oil: Exploring Alternatives.
  14. Ablard, K.M. (2018). Sustainable sandalwood in Australia. In Essence, 16 (2).
  15. Ablard, K.M. (2017). Conservation of essential oil- and carrier oil-bearing plants. In Essence, 16 (1).
  16. Ablard, K.M. (2016, May 28). Aromatherapy and Traditional Aromatic Plant Medicine in Peru. The Tisserand
  17. Ablard, K.M., Carson, C., and Tisserand, R. (2015) Cinnamon survey: special report. The Tisserand Institute.
  18. Ablard, K.M. (2015, March 7). Essential oils of citrus prevent infection in plants and animals. The Tisserand


  1. Chemotype Consequences: Navigating the Impact on Biodiversity and Conservation (2025) Crete, Greece
  2. The Olive Tree: From Ancient Roots to Modern Challenges (2025) National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, USA
  3. Turkish Biodiversity and Endemic Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) (2024) Aromader Türkiye Association University of Istanbul, Türkiye
  4. Threatened Aromatic Plants Used in Clinical and Pharmaceutical Research: An Integrative Review (2024)
    Alliance of International Aromatherapists, Nashville, TN, USA
  5. No Place for Plants: Cultivating Nature’s Guardians through Children’s Education (2024) co-presenter, Galia, F. National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, USA
  6. Preserving Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: An Indigenous Perspective (2023) National Association for Holistic
    Aromatherapy, Salt Lake City, UT
  7. Sustainability 2-day workshop (2023) Canadian Alliance of Aromatherapy, Tsawwassen, Canada
  8. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants used in Peruvian Indigenous Communities (2022) Canadian Herb Conference,
    Virtual, Canada
  9. Threatened and Near Threatened Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Animals used in Aromatic Herbalism,
    Aromatherapy and Perfumery (2022) Canadian Herb Conference, Virtual, Canada
  10. Chemical communication: How aromatic plants and animals talk to each other (2022) Alliance of
    International Aromatherapists, Virtual, USA
  11. Healing threatened essential oil-bearing plants: sustainability theory and practice for the professional
    aromatherapist (2022) International Centre of Advanced Aromatherapy, Virtual, South Korea
  12. Healing threatened essential oil-bearing plants: sustainable practices for the clinical aromatherapist (2021)
    International Clinical Aromatherapy Network, Virtual, France
  13. Aromatic resins: threats and therapeutics (2021) 15th International Herb Symposium, Virtual, USA
  14. Essential oil-bearing plants: preserving an aromatic future (2021) AROMATICA, Virtual, Spain
  15. Plant conservation genetics (2021) National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, Virtual, USA
  16. Plants in peril: essential oils and climate change (2020) Botanica2020, Virtual
  17. The salvation of salvia (2020) National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, Virtual, USA
  18. Exploring analogs for essential oils from threatened plants (2020) Alliance of International Aromatherapists,
    Pacific Regional Meeting, Virtual, USA
  19. Sustainability of rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora) (2019) Organization of Nature Evolutionaries [O.N.E.], Virtual,
  20. Conversation about conservation (2019) Alliance of International Aromatherapists, Virtual USA
  21. Protecting and healing essential oil-bearing plants (2019) New England Women’s Herbal Conference, Virtual
  22. Healing with Peruvian medicinal and aromatic plants (2019) New England Women’s Herbal Conference,
    Virtual USA
  23. Essential oils of parsley, sage, rosemary, and sage (2019) New England Women’s Herbal Conference, Virtual
  24. Peruvian rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora): conservation consciousness, cultivation, and education (2019)
    Planting the Future, Virtual USA
  25. Peruvian rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora): its threats, therapeutic uses, spiritual qualities, and protectors
    (2019) National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, Virtual, USA
  26. Essential and carrier oil-bearing plants: conservation consciousness (2018). Korean Association of Essential
    Oils, Virtual, South Korea
  27. Protecting endangered species (2018) Regent’s University, London, UK
  28. Conservation of essential oil-bearing plants (2018) Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, UK
  29. Medicinal and aromatic plants: applications, benefits, conservation and chemistry (2017) Wild Seed School
    of Herbal Studies, Virtual, Canada
  30. The use of traditional medicine throughout Peru (2017) Alliance of International Aromatherapists, Rutgers
    University, Virtual, USA
  31. Curiosity Collider: Meet the Artists (2016) Science Collides, Virtual, Canada
  32. The language of fragrance in pollination (2016) Pollination Festival, Virtual, USA
  33. Conservation statuses and sustainability of medicinal and aromatic plants (2016), BCAPA, Virtual, Canada
  34. Aromatic plant medicine for the visually impaired (2016), Virtual, Canada
  35. Juicing with medicinal and aromatic plants (2016) Vancouver Community College, Virtual, Canada
  36. Aromatherapy as a form of traditional medicine in Peru (2016) Alliance of International Aromatherapists,
    Virtual, USA
  37. Aromatic Plant Medicine in Peruvian Culture (2016) Virtual, Canada
  38. Order through odour (2016) Cafe Du Soleil, Virtual, Canada
  39. Wild aromas and food collection workshop (2016) Virtual, Canada
  40. Artistic expression in response to chemical ecology and essential Oils (2016) Science World, Virtual, Canada
  41. Chemical ecology and essential Oils (2015) Science World, Virtual, Canada
  42. Reiki and remedies (2015) Vancouver Community College Urban Apothecary Garden, Virtual, Canada
  43. Tai chi and chai tea (2015) Vancouver Community College Urban Apothecary Garden, Virtual, Canada
  44. Chemical communication across species (2013) Keynote speaker British Columbia Alliance of Aromatherapy
    Annual Meeting, Virtual, Canada
  45. Chemical Communication Across Species (2013) Keynote presentation for the British Columbia Alliance of
    Aromatherapy (BCAOA), Annual Meeting, Delta, BC, Canada
  46. Functions and fitness consequences of pheromone-tagging, and pre-and post- copulatory rituals of the
    parasitoid wasp Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) (2011). International Society of Chemical
    Ecology 27th Annual Meeting, Burnaby, BC, Canada
  47. The mechanisms and functions of pre- and post-copulatory rituals of the parasitoid wasp Ooencyrtus
    kuvanae (2010). Entomological Society of British Columbia and Entomological Society of Canada Joint Annual
    Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  48. Evidence for specimen-specific mate marking pheromone in the parasitoid wasp Ooencyrtus kuvanae
    (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) (2008). University of Edinburgh, School of Evolutionary Biology, Scotland, UK
  49. Naturalizing the captive environment of slender lorises (Loris tardigradus and L. lydekkerianus spp.) via
    olfactory enrichment (2008).International Primatological Society Congress: University of Edinburgh,
    Scotland, UK
  50. The slender loris (Loris tardigradus and L. lydekkerianus spp.) (2008). Orangutan Awareness Society: Simon
    Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
  51. Evidence for specimen-specific mate marking pheromone in the parasitoid wasp Ooencyrtus kuvanae
    (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) (2007). Entomological Society of British Columbia: Pacific Forestry Centre,
    Victoria, BC Canada; Entomological Society of Canada: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  52. Orangutans’ manufacturing and use of tools with long-term enrichment compared to short-term enrichment
    (2005) Chester University, Chester, UK
  53. Orangutans’ manufacturing and use of tools with long-term enrichment compared to short-term enrichment
    (2003), University of Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
  54. Orangutans’ manufacturing and use of tools with long-term enrichment compared to short-term enrichment
    (2003), McNair Annual Symposium, Pomona, CA, USA
  55. Orangutans’ manufacturing and use of tools with long-term enrichment compared to short-term enrichment
    (2003), California State Long Beach College, Long Beach, CA, USA


  1. Airmid Institute (2023, June 9). Learn Why This Children’s Picture Book Matters. YouTube.
  2. Blend Precisely – You Formulate. We Calculate (2022, May 25). #81 Live – Today with us: Kelly Ablard from
    Airmid Institute. YouTube.
  3. National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (2022, May 24). Protecting White Sage & Its Use in
    Indigenous Communities – NAHA Webinar by Kelly Ablard. YouTube.
  4. National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (2022, May 2). Peruvian Rosewood And Its threats, Uses, And
    More – NAHA Webinar By Kelly Ablard. YouTube.
  5. Melting Pot (2022, April 5). Healing Garden. YouTube.
  6. AromáticaHUB (2021, June 7). Preguntas y respuestas junto a Kelly Ablard – Aromática 2021. YouTube.
  7. National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (2021, April 29). Conservation and the Aromatherapy
    Industry: with Dr. Kelly Ablard. YouTube.
  8. AromáticaHUB (2021, January 14). Sustentabilidad en aromaterapia con Kelly Ablard. YouTube.
  9. Coalition of Sustainable Perfumery (2020, December 8). Episode 5: Dr. Kelly Ablard. YouTube.
  10. Grupo Essence (2020, October 21). Maria’s Aromatic Café – Kelly Ablard. YouTube.
  11. IFPA Aromatherpy (2019, September 16). IFPA Meets Kelly Ablard and chats about sustainability. YouTube.
  12. LabAroma (2018, December 31). Conservation Consciousness Interview | Kelly Ablard Jan 2019. YouTube.
  13. British Broadcasting Company (BBC) (2012, January 20). Mysteries of Slow Loris Toxin. BBC Media.
    Mysteries of Slow Loris Toxin

Interviews – Podcasts

  1. Essential Aromatica Podcast (2023, December 23). No Place for Plants: What’s Left When Plants are Gone?. Podcast.
  2. Aromatic Chat (2021, November 24). Aromatic Chat with Dr. Kelly Ablard. Podcast.
  3. An Aromatic Life (2021, March 25). #13: Conservation & Sustainability of Aromatic Medicinal Plants with Dr.
    Kelly Ablard. Podcast.
  4. Aromatic Wisdom Podcast (2020, January 30). AWP 039: Aromatic Plant Sustainability Featuring Dr. Kelly
    Ablard. Podcast.


  1. Interview (2023) AromaSummit by AromaTrust, Global
  2. Interview (2023) AromaSummit, Global
  3. Interview (2021) International Clinical Aromatherapy Network, Global
  4. Interview (2020) Conversaciones Aromaticas, Mexico
  5. Interview (2018) Beyond the Essential Oil Recipe Summit, Global
  6. Interview (2018) David Crow, Global
  7. Interview (2017) Uncommon Scents, USA
  8. Interview (2017) KBeach radio, USA
  9. Interview (2016) Smiling Joe Productions, Canada
  10. Tarchici, Tamara (2013, March 31). Cameras record wasps’ mating habits. Canadian Geographic,
  11. Simon Fraser University (2013, January 8). Females tagged in wasp mating game. Science Daily,
  12. Tisserand, Robert (2011, December 16). Essential oils and chemical ecology: interview with Kelly Ablard.

Honors, Scholarship and Scholar Recognition

  • Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Program Scholar (2002-present), California State Polytechnic University
  • Outstanding Achievement Award (2024) Alliance of International Aromatherapists, USA
  • Outstanding Alumnus (2022) Simon Fraser University: Department of Biological Sciences, Canada
  • Achievement of Excellence Award (2016) British Columbia Alliance of Aromatherapists, Canada
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) sponsored member award (2011-2013), USA
  • President’s PhD Research Stipend Award (2011) Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada
  • Graduate Fellowship Award (2006 – 2008) Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada
  • Travel Scholarship (2007) Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada

Grants & Fundraising

  • No Place for Plants (2023), Ablard & Galia, LLC.
  • IDEA WILD grant (2021), USA.
  • Toucan Project (2019), Phase 3, Ablard, K.M.
  • Toucan Project (2014), Phase 1, Ablard, K.M.
  • Research Grant, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) (2006 -2012), Simon
    Fraser University, Burnaby Canada.
  • Research Grant, Twycross Zoo Animal Behavior Research Grant (2005) Twycross Zoo, Warwickshire, UK.
  • Research Grant, Association of British Wild Animal Keepers (2004) Chester Zoo, Chester, UK.

Professional & Academic Affiliations

  • Community Scientist Initiative Program, Science World
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  • Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) Community
  • Society for Conservation GIS – ESRI
  • Alliance of International Aromatherapists
  • Canadian Alliance of Aromatherapy
  • National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy
  • International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists
  • International Clinical Aromatherapy Network

Service to the Community

  • Fellow: International Clinical Aromatherapy Network (ICAN) (2024 – present)
  • Director: Aromatic Research Quality Appraisal Taskforce (ARQAT) (2023 – present)
  • Peer reviewer: Biology journals (2017 – present)
  • Community Scientist: Science World, Canada (2012 – present)
  • Director: United Plant Savers (2018-2021)
  • Co-Chair: International Committee on Sustainability of Aromatic Plants and Essential Oils Used in Aromatherapy and Natural Perfumery (SEOS) (2019 – 2020)
  • Director: Canadian Alliance of Aromatherapy (formerly the British Columbia Association of Practicing
    Aromatherapists) (2010 – 2018)
  • Advisory Board: Tisserand Institute (2014 – 2017)
  • Founder/Coordinator: Vancouver Community College Urban Apothecary Learning Garden (2014 – 2016)

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