These are photos taken while I conducted humanitarian, educational, and conservation work in Peru this year. The trip was a huge success! Shipibo and Quechua communities are now implementing North American aromatic plant medicine in their healing practices, aromatic plant medicine was given to communities who have limited access to plant medicine, and whose plant medicine is at risk, and work has begun in collaboration with Shipibo communities on replanting the endangered rosewood (‘Aniba rosaeodora’) tree.

Kelly and Quechua Vic and Paulina: l to r: Victor (Quechua President), Kelly, and Paulina (Victor’s wife) just completed a successful day of aromatherapy training.

Shipibo Theresa smelling oil: A Shipibo woman called Theresa, was enjoying the relaxing effect this steam-distilled lemon essential oil (donated by Stillpoint Aromatics) had on her.

Andes: Southern Peru, Andes – location where Kelly conducted aromatherapy training for Quechua communities.

Coloured pic: A picture drawn by Adam Stone’s children, Naya and Webster. When I had to say goodbye, I was told to open this surprise when I got on the plane. This is a picture of Webster, me, and Naya in a heart, under heart clouds and a heart sun, along with an Amazonian fish, some eels, and a pig.

Conservationist in Northern Peru working to help protect the endangered Geoffreys woolly monkey. © Kelly Ablard, PhD, RA, EOT

A Quechua woman called Paulina in Southern Peru. Her father was a very well known and respected shaman.

We found the rosewood: l to r: Adam, Kelly, Joel and Alex in Peru holding pieces of rosewood that were collected (trees were not harmed in this process) as proof that wild rosewood trees were found.

Dr. Juan Ruiz using sustainable-harvesting methods of non-endangered aromatic plants. © Kelly Ablard, PhD, RA, EOT