The Airmid Ambassador program is designed to bring together protectors of threatened medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs), mammals, fungi and seaweed species used in aromatherapy, herbalism, perfumery, and cosmetics from around the world.
Because these species exist in numerous countries, and predominantly essential and carrier oils are being utilized worldwide, it is imperative that we have well-connected advocates working on the ground to help preserve these species and to promote their use among Indigenous communities.

Deborah A. Early, PhD
Aotearoa New Zealand
Dr. Early creatively combines scientific rigor with olfactory and biophilic art to inspire conservation, innovation, and a deep connection to the natural world. The author of Glimpses of Medicinal Botanics. A Journey to Machu Picchu from Puerto Maldonado (2008) and…
Deborah A. Early, PhD. - New Zealand
With an international career spanning academia, corporations and non-profits, blended with a background in the life sciences and clinical aromatherapy, Dr. Early is also the author of diverse articles on medicinal and aromatic botanicals. She has a keen interest in public and environmental health. Her expertise is sought by healthcare, built environment and recreation professionals. Dr. Early lives off-grid, and boat access only, surrounded by the fragrant forest on the Queen Charlotte Track in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Prashanti Vodanovich
Based in Australia with over 20 years of experience in the wellness and luxury spa/hotel industry as a therapist as well as in a management capacity. Prashanti holds a Diploma of Clinical Aromatherapy & the Aromatic Medicine Skillset, an Australian Government approved qualification with over 1200hrs of recognised study.
Prashanti Vodanovich - Australia
Based in Australia with over 20 years of experience in the wellness and luxury spa/hotel industry as a therapist as well as in a management capacity. Prashanti holds a Diploma of Clinical Aromatherapy & the Aromatic Medicine Skillset, an Australian Government approved qualification with over 1200hrs of recognised study. She has also travelled to Provence to Complete 3 levels of the Advanced Clinical Aromatherapy Program with Essential Oil Resource Consultants led by Rhiannon Lewis.
Prashanti’s vast therapeutic training has made her a highly regarded formulator & consultant. As the founder of Cura Co.Lab she formulates and manufactures a range of signature operational products for a number of Luxury Spa’s in Australia and has a passion for promoting and educating her clients on the safe & sustainable use of aromatic plants and essential oils in the industry. She also advises to large hotel groups on the use & selection of Eco-Conscious products. As a formulator Prashanti is fastidious in researching, sourcing and creating ethical products. Prashanti is currently studying a Globally recognised Diploma of Cosmetic Chemistry & Personal Care Science fuelled by her desire to create eco conscious, effective products that work with and for nature.
Learn more about Cura Cob.Lab:
Click Here

Pascale Frennet
Since she was young, Pascale has been responsible for protecting wildlife and at 12, she was already a member of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). She has worked for several years in European protection and environmental rehabilitation programs and government communication. Following a very serious road accident experienced…
Pascale Frennet - Belgium
Pascale Frennet - Belgium

Nada Saric
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nada Saric is a distiller, an enfleurage master, and a producer of organic food, herbs and medicinal and aromatic herbs. Besides usual country life and duties of a mother, Nada enjoys her connection to local herbs and medicinal and aromatic plants – so much so, that she considers the study of them her deepest passion…
Nada Saric - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Her family project ‘DaBio’ is located near Blidinje Nature Park in an old farmhouse where people can escape from busy city life and reconnect with Nature. Its unique position in the forest, next to a marked bike track offers a chance to feel Nature through planting, processing and the extraction of herbs. DaBio also allows for experiences creating a delicious meal or amazing tea with locally grown herbs and medicinal and aromatic plants, and also experiencing breathtaking essential oils. The project also is conducive to education about local and endemic plant species including the 250 + endemic plant species in Blidinje Nature Park.
She is founder of The Narcissus Festival, which grew from her long love for the beautiful flower narcissus (‘Narcissus poeticus’). The main goal of this festival is to inform people what great wealth of flora can be found in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that people should be more active in the recognition, preservation and usage of the herbs they have around them.
When not in bloom, Nada experiences the poetic beauty and scent of the narcissus flower captured through enfleurage. Her unique fragrances have been showcased internationally, and she loves giving workshops on natural perfumery and to create products with herbs and medicinal and aromatic plants she has grown.
Nada will be working with Airmid Institute to expand her work on bringing awareness of herbs and medicinal and aromatic plants in her country, and to support the healing of Nature through connecting people to them through hands-on projects, and education anchored in cultivation, perfumery, distillation, and the ‘poetry’ of floral beauty.
Slobodanka Poštić
Slobodanka is a nature admirer, teacher, aromatherapy and natural perfumery educator, and author of books and manuals in these fields. Her biggest passion is natural perfumery, which she has been teaching since 2005. As an educator, she enjoys witnessing curiosity, enhthusiasm and creativity of her students, as well…
Slobodanka Poštić
Slobodanka is a nature admirer, teacher, aromatherapy and natural perfumery educator, and author of books and manuals in these fields.
Her biggest passion is natural perfumery, which she has been teaching since 2005. As an educator, she enjoys witnessing curiosity, enhthusiasm and creativity of her students, as well the impact that the process of creating and wearing natural perfumes has on their wellbeing.
Committed to the protection of threatened essential and oil-bearing plants herself, she also teaches her students to behave environmentally responsible and sustainable.
She authored the book Fragrant Signatures, Manual for Creating Natural Perfumes, ( designed for all interested do-it-yourselfers out there.
Slobodanka also manages a resourceful website about aromatherapy, natural perfumery and olfactory experiences (
Slobodanka Poštić
Slobodanka je edukatorica aromaterapije i prirodne parfimeristike sa sjedištem u Hrvatskoj, te autorica knjiga i priručnika iz tih područja: Aromaterapija – Čarolija eteričnih ulja (na hrvatskom),1994., te A kao aromaterapija, 2005., 2009. i Mirisni kalendar 2008. (na hrvatskom i slovenskom). Aromaterapija i prirodna parfimeristika su njena druga karijera od 1990-ih. Provela je dugi niz godina u kreiranju i provođenju obrazovnih programa za aromaterapeute.
Njena najveća strast je prirodna parfimeristika, koju podučava od 2005. Kao predavačica uživa promatrati znatiželju, entuzijazam i kreativnost svojih učenica/ka, te utjecaj koji to ima na njihovu dobrobit. Posvećena je zaštiti ugroženih biljaka koje su sirovine za eterična i biljna ulja, pa svoje učenice/ke podučava da se ponašaju ekološki odgovorno i održivo.
Trenutno dovršava priručnik (Mirisni potpisi – priručnik o kreiranju prirodnih parfema, na hrvatskom i engleskom) namijenjen svim zainteresiranim uradi-sam entuzijastima.
Slobodanka također uređuje informativnu web stranicu o aromaterapiji, prirodnoj parfimeristici i olfaktornim iskustvima (
Raghda Abdelmaksoud
Raghda Abdelmaksoud is a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and an expert with 23 years of experience in global business development and supply chain in the medicinal herbs, flavors – fragrance and essential oils industries. In 1997 she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and Arts from Cairo University…
Raghda Abdelmaksoud - Egypt
Raghda Abdelmaksoud is a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and an expert with 23 years of experience in global business development and supply chain in the medicinal herbs, flavors – fragrance and essential oils industries.
In 1997 she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and Arts from Cairo University in Egypt , In addition to Project Management from Cambridge.
Raghda’ s journey started in Egypt in 1998 when she joined one of the leading growers and distillers in Egypt, where she combined her love for languages and history with her passion for nature and adventures.
Raghda worked in supply chain, business development and sustainable sourcing she traveled to 21 countries with the most outstanding medicinal plants growing regions.
In 2013 Raghda and her family moved to their second home in USA, leading a global Joint venture project for essential oils.
In 2015 Raghda became a Clinical Certified Aromatherapist and loved every minute of this journey, she is working clinically with Holistic doctors in the USA.
In 2016 she founded Ebers Aromatherapy and Consulting – a women owned business dedicated to essential oils ethical sourcing, business development, logistics and warehousing services.
In 2018 Raghda started teaching aromatherapy globally and became the NAHA International director for Egypt and the International relationship chair. Raghda started arranging educational study tours to Egypt for aromatherapists and plant lovers to visit farms, distillers and learn about aromatherapy and herbal medicine in a real-life experience.
In 2020 she launched Ebers school of Aromatherapy an online and in-person NAHA approved school offering Aromatherapy holistic education programs and workshops.
Raghda is studying Herbal Medicine, Natural perfumery & Ethnobotany and ancient Egyptian medicine.
Her mission is to develop aromatherapy globally and particularly in the middle east, as well as developing women-owned small businesses and research Raghda believes that Plants are a universal language that connects us all, they are the agents of nature for our healing journey and a living example of hope.
Raghda Abdelmaksoud - Egypt
رغدة عبد المقصود هي أخصائية علاجيه معتمده للتشافى بالزيوت العطريه بخبرة 23 سنه في تطوير الأعمال التجارية العالمية بقطاعات الأعشاب الطبية والزيوت العطرية .
في عام 1997 تخرجت بدرجه ليسانس في الأدب الإنجليزي والفنون من جامعة القاهرة في مصر ، بالإضافة إلى إدارة المشاريع من جامعه كامبريدج.
بدأت رحلة رغدة في مصر عام 1998 عندما انضمت إلى فريدال أحد أبرز منتجى الزيوت العطريه و النباتات الطبيه بمصر، حيث جمعت بين حبها للغات والتاريخ وشغفها بالطبيعة والمغامرات.
عملت رغدة في مجال تطوير الأعمال و سافرت إلى 21 دولة من أبرز الدول المنتجه النباتات الطبية و العطريه .
فى عام 2013 انتقلت رغدة وعائلتها إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكي و قامت بقياده مشروعا عالميا مشتركا للزيوت العطريه
في عام 2015 أصبحت رغدة أخصائية علاجيه معتمده للتشافى بالزيوت العطريه
فى عام 2016 قامت بتاسيس & Consulting Ebers Aromatherapy شركة متخصصة لتوزيع الزيوت العطريه و والخدمات اللوجستية والتخزين و التوزيع.
في عام 2018 بدأت فى تدريس علم الأرماثيرابى على مستوى العالم وأصبحت المديرة الدولية ل NAHA مدير العلاقات الدوليه بالمنظمه وبدأت رغدة في ترتيب رحلات دراسية تعليمية إلى مصر للزيوت العطريه ومحبي النباتات لزيارة المزارع ووحدات التقطير والتعرف على االزيوت العطريه و النباتات الطبيه على أرض الواقع.
في عام 2020 أفتتحت مدرسه school of Aromatherapy Ebers مدرسة تقدم برامج تعليميه شامله وورش عمل للأروماثيرابى و الزيوت العطريه و تقوم بالتدريس فى الولايات المتحده و مصر.
و تقوم رغدة بدراسه طب الأعشاب والعطور الطبيعية والنباتات العرقية و الطب المصرى القديم.
وتتمثل مهمتها في تطويرعلم الأروماثيرابي على الصعيد العالمي وخاصة في الشرق الأوسط، فضلا عن تطوير الأعمال التجارية الصغيرة المملوكة للنساء .

Amandine Devilliard
Amandine Devillard has always had a strong connection to Nature thanks to her grandfather, a great Nature lover, with whom she often went on walks. She remembers that when she was 8 years old, she wanted to learn the Encyclopedia of Nature by heart! She has a Master’s degree in Italian, and…
Amandine Devilliard - English
Always attracted by smell and perfume, Amandine bought her first bottles of essential oil in 2008. It was a revelation! She first used them on her family, including her husband and her twin daughters. When she noticed the synergistic power of essential oils on one of her daughters hospitalized for severe otitis, she decided to train in aromatherapy with the founder of Bioflore, André Bitsas in 2019.
In the meantime, she trained in natural cosmetics whereby her passion for essential oils, vegetable oils, and hydrosols grew even deeper. Involved in a zero-waste lifestyle, she also developed a strong affinity for sustainable development and loves her role as a sustainability ambassador for the Resource Center for Sustainable Development (Cerdd) in France.
While training in France and the United States she opened her company, Maison Aromaterii, where Amandine leads workshops in collaboration with her mentor André at the EAA (École d’Aromathérapie Appliquée).
Amandine Devilliard - Française
Toujours attirée par l’odorat et le parfum, Amandine achète ses premiers flacons d’huile essentielle en 2008. Ce fut une révélation ! Elle les a d’abord utilisés dans sa famille, y compris son mari et ses filles jumelles. Lorsqu’elle a constaté le pouvoir synergique des huiles essentielles sur une de ses filles hospitalisées pour otite sévère, elle a décidé de se former en aromathérapie avec le fondateur de Bioflore, André Bitsas en 2019.
Entre-temps, elle s’est formée aux cosmétiques naturels, ce qui a permis de développer sa passion pour les huiles essentielles, les huiles végétales et les hydrolats. Engagée dans un mode de vie zéro déchet, elle a également développé une forte affinité pour le développement durable et aime son rôle d’ambassadrice du développement durable pour le Centre de ressources pour le développement durable (Cerdd) en France.
Pendant sa formation en France et aux États-Unis, elle a ouvert son entreprise, Maison Aromaterii, où Amandine anime des ateliers en collaboration avec son mentor André à l’EAA (School of Applied Aromatherapy).

Julia Falkenstein
Julia lives and works as a clinical aromatherapist, alternative practitioner and health consultant in her hometown of Berlin, where she found her love for nature as a child along the forests and banks of the river Havel region. Julia’s focus is therefore on sustainable work with regional…
Julia Falkenstein - English
Julia began her journey as an aromatherapist in France and Belgium in the 2000s and has since studied and practiced aromatherapy for over 15 years. In her home country of Germany, she completed her studies in clinical aromatherapy at the IFPA-accredited Primavera Academy. She has completed numerous courses and studied with leading aromatherapists. In addition to aromatherapy, she studied holistic medicine and became a certified naturopath in 2020. She holds certifications in various disciplines related to essential oils and is an active member of IFPA, Airmid Institute, Forum Essenzia and Aroma Forum International.
Julia has overseen the aromatherapy department in a naturopathic practice in Berlin since 2022. Her focus there is on the holistic, yet aromatherapeutic treatment of environmental and stress-related chronic diseases, the immune system and intestinal health. Julia has been organizing the regional aromatherapy working group in Berlin since 2018 and organizes thematic lectures, workshops, training courses and events. Since 2023 she has been Executive Administrator of the ICAN International Clinical Aromatherapy Network.
Julia Falkenstein - Deutsche
Julia lebt und arbeitet als klinische Aromatherapeutin, Heilpraktikerin und Gesundheitsberaterin in ihrer Heimatstadt Berlin, wo sie bereits als Kind entlang der Wälder und Ufer der Havelregion ihre Liebe zur Natur gefunden hat. Julias Fokus liegt daher auf der nachhaltigen Arbeit mit regionalen und lokalen Materialien und Lieferanten und der Verbreitung von Informationen zu den Themen Ressourcenschonung, Achtsamkeit und Nachhaltigkeit.
Julia begann ihre Reise als Aromatherapeutin in den 2000er Jahren in Frankreich und Belgien und hat seitdem über 15 Jahre lang Aromatherapie studiert und praktiziert. In ihrem Heimatland Deutschland schloss sie ihr Studium der klinischen Aromatherapie an der IFPA-akkreditierten Primavera Academy ab. Sie hat zahlreiche Kurse abgeschlossen und bei führenden Aromatherapeuten studiert. Zusätzlich zur Aromatherapie studierte sie ganzheitliche Medizin und wurde 2020 zertifizierte Heilpraktikerin. Sie verfügt über Zertifizierungen in verschiedenen Disziplinen im Zusammenhang mit ätherischen Ölen und ist aktives Mitglied von IFPA, Airmid Institute, Forum Essenzia und Aroma Forum International.
Seit 2022 leitet Julia den Bereich Aromatherapie in einer Naturheilpraxis in Berlin. Ihr Fokus liegt dort auf der ganzheitlichen, aber dennoch aromatherapeutischen Behandlung umwelt- und stressbedingter chronischer Erkrankungen, des Immunsystems und der Darmgesundheit. Julia organisiert seit 2018 den regionalen Arbeitskreis Aromatherapie des Fachverbandes Aroma-Forum-International in Berlin und organisiert Vorträge, Workshops, Schulungen und Veranstaltungen rund um das Thema Aromatherapie. Seit 2023 ist sie Executive Administrator des ICAN International Clinical Aromatherapy Network.

Anna Papazoglou
Anna is a practicing aromatherapist and lifelong student. She is a student member of ICAN, AIA and IFPA. At the moment she is pursuing her Internationally recognized Professional Certification which will be followed by an Advanced Diploma in Aromatherapy, through EOTCHS. At the same time, she …
Anna Papazoglou - English
Anna is a practicing aromatherapist and lifelong student. She is a student member of ICAN, AIA and IFPA. At the moment she is pursuing her Internationally recognized Professional Certification which will be followed by an Advanced Diploma in Aromatherapy, through EOTCHS. At the same time, she attends masterclasses and seminars which offer continuing education credits.
She is a staunch supporter of safe use of essential oils, moderation in dosing and prioritizing the use of locally sourced essential oils derived from non -threatened plant species.
Formerly a photographer, she was tasked with micro photography of essential oil-bearing plant species, where she fell in love with her “models”, yet didn’t know how to nurture and express her love at the time. After training in traditional yoga and esotericism she realized she needed to give up photography and become a therapist.
She believes we are connected to endemic plants we’ve known all our lives and therefore using them in aromatherapy is like asking an old friend to help us out.
She is fascinated with Ancient Greek medicinal use of endemic plants which she is revisiting through modern day scientific knowledge.
Her educational background is in history and photography. She also has some teaching experience which she hopes to put in good use through teaching Aromatherapy.
She has been very active in Human Rights and has volunteered with refugees, torture survivors and the homeless for nearly 35 years.
Through Airmid Institute she aims to bring awareness to the fact that nature has provided what we need, so long as we respect this gift and ensure its sustainability.
Anna Papazoglou - Ελληνικά
Υποστηρίζει με πάθος την ασφαλή χρήση των αιθερίων ελαίων, την σύνεση στην δοσολογία και την προτεραιοποίηση της χρήσης μη απειλούμενων ενδημικών ειδών.
Ενώσω ήταν επαγγελματίας φωτογράφος είχε ασχοληθεί με την μικρο φωτογράφηση φυτών που περιέχουν αιθέρια έλαια και ερωτεύτηκε τα «μοντέλα» της, χωρίς όμως να γνωρίζει τότε πως να καλλιεργήσει και εκφράσει την αγάπη της γι’ αυτά. Μετά την εκπαίδευση της στην παραδοσιακή γιόγκα και τον εσωτερισμό, συνειδητοποίησε πως έπρεπε να αφήσει την φωτογραφία και να στραφεί στην θεραπεία.
Πιστεύει πως είμαστε συνδεδεμένοι με τα φυτά που γνωρίζουμε όλη μας ζωή και άρα το να τα χρησιμοποιούμε είναι σαν να ζητάμε την βοήθεια ενός παιδικού φίλου.
Την ενδιαφέρει ιδιαίτερα η φαρμακευτική χρήση των ενδημικών φυτών στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα την όποια επανεξετάζει μέσα από την σύγχρονη επιστημονική γνώση.
Έχει σπουδάσει ιστορία και φωτογραφία, ενώ έχει και εκπαιδευτική εμπειρία που ελπίζει να αξιοποιήσει στην διδασκαλία της Αρωματοθεραπείας.
Έχει υπάρξει πολύ ενεργή στον τομέα των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων και έχει εργαστεί εθελοντικά με πρόσφυγες, επιβιώσαντες βασανιστηρίων και αστέγους για περίπου 35 χρόνια.
Μέσα από το Airmid Institute σκοπεύει να αναδείξει το ότι η φύση μας παρέχει όλα όσα χρειαζόμαστε στο μέτρο που σεβόμαστε αυτό το δώρο και εξασφαλίζουμε την βιωσιμότητα του.

Mimi Ryan
As a child, Mimi would spend her days exploring her natural surroundings, taking in the pure energy she felt by the diverse plant species of her northern California home; leaves, barks, mosses, wild flowers and fungi. Nature nurtured her soul and spirit and continues to drive her intrinsic need to explore and…
Mimi Ryan - Indonesia
After 16 years working as an educator, service-learning and sustainability coordinator, she moved to Bali where she began her lifelong dream to focus solely on herbal and aroma-based therapies. Through formal and informal studies with extraordinary local healers and herbalists, she has gained immense knowledge and experience working with plants and witnessing the profound impact they can have on individuals and the collective community.
Currently, Mimi is a natural perfumer and Bach Flower Essence practitioner. She is the Founder of Menyan and hopes to redefine the fragrance market intersecting olfactive, restorative and artisanal experiences for conscious consumers and aligned brands. Collaborating with artists from around the globe co-creating projects that support her vision and ethos is something that brings her great joy. In Bali, she joins forces with local experts, non-profit organizations and dedicated individuals who wish to educate, act and advocate for a more sustainable Bali as well as the greater global community.
It is an immense honor to learn and grow as an Airmid Institute Ambassador and, for Mimi, co-sharing this endeavor with Suta makes it even more exciting. Mimi looks forward to sharing this journey of meaningful discovery and purpose.
Mimi Ryan - Indonesia
Sebagai seorang anak, Mimi lebih suka menghabiskan hari-harinya menjelajahi lingkungan alam sekitarnya, menyerap energi murni yang dia rasakan dari berbagai macam tanaman di tempat tinggalnya di California utara; daun, kulit kayu, lumut, bunga liar dan jamur. Alam mendidik jiwa dan semangatnya, dan terus mendorong keinginan intrinsiknya untuk mengeksplorasi dan melestarikan keanekaragaman hayati dan kearifan budaya setempat di tanah yang asing baginya.
Setelah 16 tahun bekerja sebagai pendidik, penyedia layanan pembelajaran dan koordinator proyek yang berkelanjutan, dia pindah ke Bali di mana dia memulai mewujudkan impiannya untuk fokus hanya pada terapi berbasis herbal dan aroma. Melalui pembelajaran formal dan informal dengan para tabib dan herbalis lokal yang luar biasa, dia telah memperoleh pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang sangat luas tentang bagaimana bekerja dengan tanaman dan menyaksikan dampak mendalam yang dapat mereka berikan pada individu dan komunitas kolektif.
Saat ini, Mimi adalah seorang ahli parfum alami dan praktisi Bach Flower Essence. Dia adalah pendiri Menyan dan berharap untuk mendefinisikan kembali pasar wewangian yang bersinggungan dengan pengalaman penciuman, restoratif, dan artisanal untuk konsumen yang sadar dan merek yang selaras. Berkolaborasi dengan seniman dari seluruh dunia untuk menciptakan proyek bersama yang mendukung visi dan etosnya adalah sesuatu yang membuatnya senang. Di Bali ia bergabung dengan para ahli lokal, organisasi nirlaba dan individu yang berdedikasi yang ingin mendidik, bertindak, dan mengadvokasi untuk Bali yang lebih berkelanjutan serta komunitas global yang lebih besar.
Bagi Mimi, merupakan sebuah kehormatan besar untuk belajar dan tumbuh sebagai Duta Institut Airmid, serta berbagi dan menjalani pekerjaan ini dengan Suta membuatnya semakin lebih bersemangat. Mimi berharap ia dapat berbagi perjalanan penemuan dan tujuan yang berarti ini dengan orang-orang di sekitarnya.

I Wayan Wibawa (Suta)
Ambassador Apprentice
My name is I Wayan Wibawa. People around me just call me Suta and I am 30 years old. I really like challenges, learning new things, adventures, sustainability, renewable energy, and everything related to nature. I am a young, scientific thinker who is simple, humble, energetic, honest, smiley, and always willing to….
I Wayan Wibawa (Suta) - Indonesia
My name is I Wayan Wibawa. People around me just call me Suta and I am 30 years old. I really like challenges, learning new things, adventures, sustainability, renewable energy, and everything related to nature. I am a young, scientific thinker who is simple, humble, energetic, honest, smiley, and always willing to help others in the community (and sometimes unpredictable in a good way!). I am very passionate about regenerative farming, community development/awareness and essential oils.
I am an educator and leader at Open Flow School in Bali, Indonesia. Before this worked for the Bio Bus Social Enterprise at Green School Bali, leading workshops in distillation and natural product making for kids and adults of all ages. I now have my own 50 kilo distiller and work with local farmers to educate about organic and regenerative practices in growing aromatics such as patchouli, cajeput, lemongrass, citronella and ylang ylang. I have my own patchouli farm and enjoy distilling sweet and earthy essential oil on the weekends.
I love learning about the amazing plant diversity in my home here in Bali. As a young educator and activist, I wish to impart the wisdom that has been passed down to me by knowledgeable mentors who know how important it is to protect all plants, animals, water sources and the precious soil of our earth. I wish to open opportunities to study biology, chemistry, physics, math, and ethnobotany. I wish to continue my life’s purpose, providing opportunities for students of all ages to work on conservation and social enterprise in order to make a valuable difference in our world.

Eliane Zimmermann
Eliane was born in Santiago de Chile, at which time her German parents worked at and for the German embassy. When she was about three years old they moved to Algeria, and at seven they started a gorgeous life in Curitiba, South of Brazil. She spent her high school years in Bonn, German’s former capital, where Eliane began…
Eliane Zimmermann - Ireland
Eliane was born in Santiago de Chile, at which time her German parents worked at and for the German embassy. When she was about three years old they moved to Algeria, and at seven they started a gorgeous life in Curitiba, South of Brazil. She spent her high school years in Bonn, German’s former capital, where Eliane began to read Romanistics. She then went to Mainz, a lovely little town near Frankfurt, studied graphic design and graduated as a designer. During those years her dad worked at the United Nations as deputy “ambassador” (Minister Plenipotentiary) for Germany.
After she graduated she worked in some publishing houses and advertising agencies in Frankfurt, but felt that’s not the business-world which suited her. So she made a change and Eliane graduated in aromatherapy at the Shirley Price College (SPICA) in 1990 and went through naturopath training in Germany. She has authored 10 books, of which her reference book became one of the 3-4 “bibles” of German clinical aromatherapy (7th edition in 2022). She used to frequently travel to German language countries Austria, Switzerland and Germany to teach this fascinating subject, and she also gave guided garden/nature walks in the subtropical gardens and parks in the Southwest of Ireland which showcase many aromatic plants from Chile, Patagonia, Japan, Australia and Tasmania.
Eliane and her family made their home in the very rural southwest of Ireland over two decades ago. It is there that she will be carrying out her work as Ambassador in collaboration with Airmid Institute on the identification of native medicinal plants potentially under threat of habitat degradation, spreading awareness of habitat destruction of primary forest, and building global campaigns to help preserve natural ecosystems.
To learn more about Eliane, please visit:
Dr. Nicole Boukhalil
Dr. Boukhalil is a Pharmacist and a Clinical Aromatherapist. She earned her doctorate in Pharmacy from Saint-Joseph University in Beirut (Lebanon) and her Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy diploma from the School of Pharmacy of Aix-Marseille (France). She underwent postgraduate studies in scientific aromatherapy…
Dr. Nicole Boukhalil - Lebanon
Dr Nicole is a pioneer in introducing aromatherapy teaching, training and practice in Lebanon. She runs her own pharmacy in Beirut, and is a clinical aromatherapist wellness consultant who is committed to raising awareness about the benefits of aromatherapy among the healthcare professionals and the general public.
Dr Nicole believes that Nature is a great healer. Much wisdom is gained by working with Nature‘s treasures. She believes that plants, flowers and trees are to be handled with respect and care, so we can preserve nature for the future generations. Spending time in Nature and staying fit are important for Dr Nicole, this is why she is also a marathon runner and an avid mountain hiker.
Dr. Nicole Boukhalil - Lebanon
الدكتورة بو خليل صيدلاني و متخصصة بالعلاج بالزيوت العطرية أو اروماثيرابي. حصلت على شهادة دكتوراه في الصيدلة من جامعة القديس يوسف في بيروت و على دبلوم العلاج بالنباتات والعلاج بالزيوت العطرية من كلية الصيدلة في إيكس مرسيليا ، في فرنسا. تخصصت في العلاج بالزيوت العطرية العلمية ، بما في ذلك دورات متقدمة في العلاج بالزيوت العطرية السريرية (كلينيكال اروماثيرابي) في باريس (فرنسا) ولندن (المملكة المتحدة).
(MPH) الدكتورة بو خليل حاصلة على درجة الماجستير في الصحة العامة
وهي متخصصة في الرعاية التجميلية الجلدية الطبيعية (فرنسا)
تعتبر الدكتورة نيكول رائدة في تقديم تعليم العلاج بالزيوت العطرية والتدريب والممارسة في لبنان في هذا المجال. هي استشارية العلاج بالزيوت العطرية السريرية. تلتزم الدكتورة نيكول برفع مستوى الوعي حول فوائد العلاج بالزيوت العطرية بين المتخصصين في المجال الطبي وعامة الناس. تلقي محاضرات وورش عمل في جميع أنحاء لبنان.
تدير الدكتورة بو خليل صيدليتها الخاصة في بيروت. تصنع خلطات علاجية شخصية ، مصممة خصيصًا لاحتياجات مرضاها وتقدم المشورة بشأن النباتات والمنتجات العشبية والعناية الطبيعية بالبشرة.
تؤمن الدكتورة نيكول أن الطبيعة معالج رائع وأنه يتم اكتساب الكثير من الحكمة من خلال العمل مع الكنوز المدهشة التي تقدمها لنا الطبيعة. كما تؤمن أن التعامل مع النباتات والزهور والأشجار يجب أن يتم باحترام ورعاية من اجل الحفاظ عليها للأجيال القادمة.
تهوى الدكتورة نيكول رياضة الركض والمشي أو الهايك بالجبال والطبيعة.
Marika Fleri
Marika Fleri has been practicing aromatherapy for the past 20 years in Malta focusing mainly on education, promoting safe use of oils through various media including TV, newspapers, magazines, workshops and social media. She has been working in oncology and palliative care for the past five years. Marika is the…
Marika Fleri - Malta
Marika Fleri has been practicing aromatherapy for the past 20 years in Malta focusing mainly on education, promoting safe use of oils through various media including TV, newspapers, magazines, workshops and social media. She has been working in oncology and palliative care for the past five years. Marika is the Coordinator of The National Cancer Platform which brings together all Maltese non-government organizations working in the field of cancer and she mans a ‘one-stop shop’ concept office at Malta’s oncology hospital.
She is also the clinical aromatherapist in residence at the hospital working with other health care professionals to offer an integrative and holistic approach to treatment.
Marika is a VTCT Tutor, Assessor and Internal Quality Assurer. She runs AromaHub Malta together with Lorraine Spiteri.
She is the founder of The Azure Butterfly Project, a group of professional complementary therapists who are voluntarily offering their services where it is most needed and where otherwise it would be very difficult for people to have access to therapists.
Rebeca Ledersnaider
Born in Cali Colombia, where she was pursuing a medical career, came to live to Mexico and received the title of Occupational Therapist in 1984 from the Mexican Institute of Rehabilitation, in Mexico City. Rebeca holds two aromatherapy certifications in the USA, one by Aromahead Institute (plus the Advance program)…
Rebeca Ledersnaider - Mexico
Born in Cali Colombia, where she was pursuing a medical career, came to live to Mexico and received the title of Occupational Therapist in 1984 from the Mexican Institute of Rehabilitation, in Mexico City. Rebeca holds two aromatherapy certifications in the USA, one by Aromahead Institute (plus the Advance program) and the other by the Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy, and also studied the Advanced Clinical Aromatherapy program with Rhiannon Lewis in France, since 2008.
All of this helped materialized her dream of being a voice for safe use of essential oils and the aromatic plants from which they originate.
In 2004, founded Shaktili Aromatherapy and later Aromacademia, to promote aromatherapy education in Mexico and Latin America, stablishing the first Spanish speaking school recognized by the Alliance of International Aromatherapists and The Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists.
In 2018 she received a master’s degree in Dermopharmacy and Cosmetic Formulation from the International University of La Rioja in Spain. She also developed aromatherapy programs at many private schools and universities in Mexico City.
Parallel to her teaching, she offers volunteer services to different communities in the Mexican Republic as with the elderly and Alzheimer’s patients, and is also working in building a network to support Mexican producers of aromatic plants and essential oils to promote their work.
Rebeca Ledersnaider - Mexico
Todo esto ayudó a materializar su sueño de ser una voz para el uso seguro de los aceites esenciales y las plantas aromáticas de las cuales provienen.
En 2004, fundó Shaktili Aromaterapia y posteriormente Aromacademia, para promover la educación en aromaterapia en México y Latinoamérica, estableciendo la primera escuela de habla hispana reconocida por la Alianza Internacional de Aromaterapeutas (AIA) y La Federación Canadiense de Aromaterapeutas (CFA).
En 2018, recibió una Maestría en Dermofarmacia y Formulación Cosmética por la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja en España. También desarrolló programas de educación en aromaterapia en muchas escuelas y universidades privadas de la Ciudad de México.
Paralelamente a su labor docente, ofrece servicios de voluntariado a diferentes comunidades de la República Mexicana, con adultos mayores y pacientes con Alzheimer y diversas demencias, y también está trabajando en la construcción de una red de apoyo a los productores mexicanos de aceites esenciales para promover y apoyar su trabajo.
Jonathan Benavides
The Netherlands
While working with autism at the University Psychiatric Hospital in Leiden in the Netherlands in 1988, Jonathan started to develop multisensorial interventions in order to break the armour and get into the patient’s world. Since then he has always been interested in research the integration of different disciplines…
Jonathan Benavides - The Netherlands
Since then he has continued to extend his knowledge. Jonathan has been working within the palliative home care system in The Netherlands since 2009, incorporating his skills for providing comfort to the seriously ill and dying. Over the years he has developed, used, trained and lectured in diverse therapeutic interventions (conventional and non-conventional) such as:
“Into the tunnel” for autistic children (1987)
“Bio-gymnastics, integrating the emotions in your body (1989)
“Ahava, the Reiki of Love”, a new Reiki approach (2001)
“Anointing, a spiritual seance”, an energetic chakra harmonisation (2008)
“Into the Light”, psychological approach for the sick and dying (2011)
“Integrative Reiki, Reiki Usui together with essential oils, electromagnetic frequencies and roses energy” (2013)
“Reinforcing your T-cells”, a holistic immunological approach” (2015)
“Let be free again”, a trauma release aromatic approach (2017)
“Train to the Light” aroma and sound for HEARTS (UK) (2018)
“Remembering and Honouring you”, aroma and texture for HEARTS (UK) (2018)
“Adjusting, a multisensory self-compassionate approach for cancer related distress” (2019)
“De-Compressing, for stress relief, resilience and to treat anxiety, fear and solitude” (2020)
For some years now, Jonathan conduct forest bathing workshops wherein he takes people to the forest to experience not only the trees themselves but in conjunction with the essential oils the same tree species produces. In this way he has taught many people to appreciate the trees as beings and in this way, he has help people to become more conscious of the fragility of nature and our responsibility within.
Besides working in the Netherlands, Jonathan also works regularly at the IKYA Klinikken in Oslo (Norway) and in Casa do Ser in Lisbon (Portugal). He has participated in several seminars, conferences and congresses in aromatherapy, complementary therapies, psychology and music therapy. Jonathan is working also at the moment on a book about spiritual aromatherapy for palliative care, dying and beyond.

Dr. Miguel Antonio Puescas Chully
Miguel Antonio Puescas Chully, born on May 1, 1964, in Bellavista de La Unión, Sechura Province, Piura, Peru, is a distinguished Engineer. He resides in Cerro Blanco, San Juan de la Virgen District, Tumbes Province. Miguel holds a Bachelor’s degree in Forestry Sciences from the National University of the Peruvian Amazon….
Dr. Miguel Antonio Puescas Chully - Peru
His extensive career focuses on sustainable forest management, particularly in the dry forests of northern Peru. Dr. Puescas Chully has led numerous reforestation projects, emphasizing the sustainable use of the palo santo tree (Bursera graveolens). His work includes the development of the Sustainable Forestry Development Model (MDFS), integrating socio-economic activities such as livestock farming, beekeeping, and ecotourism with environmental conservation efforts.
Dr. Puescas Chully is also a renowned university professor at the National University of Tumbes, where he serves as a researcher and academic leader. He has participated in various national and international conferences and has held significant positions in regional environmental management, including Regional Manager of Natural Resources and Environmental Management in Tumbes.
Passionate about community development, Dr. Puescas Chully collaborates with local rural populations to promote sustainable forestry practices. His work is deeply inspired by his commitment to biodiversity preservation and sustainable development.
He expresses his gratitude for the continuous support of his parents, who reside in Bellavista de La Unión, and honors the memory of his brother José del Carmen, who passed away due to COVID-19 in 2020. Dr. Puescas Chully’s dedication to his field and community continues to drive his efforts toward sustainability and environmental conservation.
Dr. Miguel Antonio Puescas Chully - Peru
Su extensa carrera se centra en el manejo forestal sostenible, particularmente en los bosques secos del norte del Perú. El Dr. Puescas Chully ha liderado numerosos proyectos de reforestación, haciendo hincapié en el uso sostenible del árbol de palo santo (Bursera graveolens). Su trabajo incluye el desarrollo del Modelo de Desarrollo Forestal Sostenible (MDFS), integrando actividades socioeconómicas como la ganadería, la apicultura y el ecoturismo con los esfuerzos de conservación del medio ambiente.
El Dr. Puescas Chully es también un reconocido profesor universitario de la Universidad Nacional de Tumbes, donde se desempeña como investigador y líder académico. Ha participado en diversos congresos nacionales e internacionales y ha ocupado importantes cargos en la gestión ambiental regional, entre ellos el de Gerente Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión Ambiental en Tumbes.
Apasionado por el desarrollo comunitario, el Dr. Puescas Chully colabora con las poblaciones rurales locales para promover prácticas forestales sostenibles. Su trabajo está profundamente inspirado en su compromiso con la preservación de la biodiversidad y el desarrollo sostenible.
Expresa su agradecimiento por el continuo apoyo de sus padres, quienes residen en Bellavista de La Unión, y honra la memoria de su hermano José del Carmen, quien falleció a causa del COVID-19 en 2020. La dedicación del Dr. Puescas Chully a su campo y a su comunidad continúa impulsando sus esfuerzos hacia la sostenibilidad y la conservación del medio ambiente.
Jirbie Go, CA
Jirbie has been an aromatherapist and a student of aromatherapy since 2019. She is the current Country Representative for the Philippines at Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) and the founder of Alliance of the Philippine Aromatherapists (APA), the first professional organization for aromatherapists…
Jirbie Go, CA - Philippines
Jirbie has been an aromatherapist and a student of aromatherapy since 2019. She is the current Country Representative for the Philippines at Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) and the founder of Alliance of the Philippine Aromatherapists (APA), the first professional organization for aromatherapists in the Philippines, where she advocates accessible education among the Filipino aromatherapy enthusiasts and even to the microproducers. She believes that quality accessible education is one of the key factors to improve and elevate the Philippine aromatherapy industry as a whole.
As one of the pioneering Certified Aromatherapists in the country, Jirbie has been invited to participate in various public speaking engagements about aromatherapy since 2018. She continues to empower and inspire her students to further their studies in aromatherapy through her blog, her Youtube channel, her podcast, and through personal mentoring as she uses her platform to advocate safe and responsible use of essential oils.
Jirbie remains to be a conduit between small scale producers of essential oils and end users in the hopes of uplifting the Philippine aromatherapy industry as she supports these microproducers in their sustainable and regenerative efforts.
Jirbie Go, CA - Philippines
Si Jirbie ay isang aromatherapist at patuloy na estudyante ng aromatherapy mula noong 2019. Siya ang kasalukuyang Representative ng Pilipinas sa Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) at ang nagtatag ng Alliance of the Philippine Aromatherapists (APA), ang pangunahing propesyonal na organisasyon ng mga aromatherapists sa Pilipinas kung saan ang adbokasiya ng grupo ay magtaguyod ng pag-aaral at pagsasaliksik ng aromatherapy sa Pilipinas. Naniniwala si Jirbie na isa sa susi upang maiangat ang industriya ng aromatherapy sa Pilipinas ay sa pamamagitan ng de-kalidad at abot-kamay na edukasyon hindi lang para sa end-users, pati na rin sa mga nagproproduce nito.
Bilang isa sa naunang Certified Aromatherapists sa Pilipinas, si Jirbie ay nakapagpaunlak ng iba’t ibang mga pampublikong seminars at trainings tungkol sa aromatherapy mula noong 2018. Patuloy siyang nagbibigay ng inspirasyon sa kanyang mga mag-aaral na ipagpatuloy ang kanilang pag-aaral sa aromatherapy sa pamamagitan ng kanyang blog, ng kanyang Youtube channel, podcast, at sa pamamagitan ng personal na pagtuturo habang ginagamit niya ang kanyang platform upang itaguyod ang ligtas at responsableng paggamit ng essential oils.
Si Jirbie ay patuloy na nagiging daan upang mabigyan ng plataporma ang mga maliliit na produser ng aromatic plant products patungo sa mga end-users ng aromatherapy. Isa rin sa adhikain ni Jirbie and maitaguyod at maiangat ang industriya ng aromatherapy sa Pilipinas sa pamamagitan ng pagsuporta niya sa mga microproducer ng aromatic plant products at siguraduhin ang pagpapatuloy ng kanilang sustainable at regenerative efforts sa pagtatanim nito.
Marju Kivi
My name is Marju Kivi, born in Estonia and living in Portugal since 2000. I work as an aromatic distiller and natural perfumer. Observing Nature, its beauty, variety and functionality, so much to admire! Our family moved to Louriçal do Campo in 2010. This sweet village is situated at the South side of Gardunha Mountain…
Marju Kivi - Portugal
My name is Marju Kivi, born in Estonia and living in Portugal since 2000.
I work as an aromatic distiller and natural perfumer.
Observing Nature, its beauty, variety and functionality, so much to admire!
Our family moved to Louriçal do Campo in 2010. This sweet village is situated at the South side of Gardunha Mountain, at the heart of Portugal.
One hot summer morning, Marco and I went out for mountain biking ride. On our way back, there was an intense, sweet, woody aroma in the air. After identification of the plant and its possible extracts, quickly our first ever distillation took place! This was the beginning of Naturalness Essential Oil Distillery. Our flagship product was Rock Rose/Cistus ladanifer essential oil.
In 2020 I joined Airmid Institute as Ambassador for Portugal! I feel honored and motivated to work together with this incredible international team of Airmid Ambassadors!
Learn more about Naturalness Essential Oil Distillery:
Click Here
Marju Kivi - Portugal
Meu nome é Marju Kivi, nascida na Estónia e a viver em Portugal desde 2000.
Sou destiladora de aromáticas e perfumista natural. Admiro a beleza, variedade e funcionalidade na Natureza!
Em 2010 a nossa familia mudou-se para Louriçal do Campo – uma aldeia simpática situada no lado Sul da Serra da Gardunha.
Numa manhã quente de verão da Beira Baixa, o Marco e eu fomos dar um passeio de bicicleta. No caminho de casa, sentimos um aroma no ar. Identificámos a planta e descobrimos os seus possíveis extratos. Decidimos logo avançar com a experiência da destilação. Começámos desta maneira a Destilaria Naturalness, com um produto de raíz: óleo essencial de esteva/Cistus ladanifer.
Em 2020 tornei-me embaixatriz Portuguesa do Instituto Airmid! Sinto-me honrada e motivada para trabalhar com a incrível equipa internacional de embaixadores!
Saiba mais sobre Destilaria Naturalness:
Clique aqui

Biljana Božanić Tanjga
Above all, Biljana is a human being inspired by and following the laws of nature, paying attention to signs to better understand how energy flows. Biljana holds a Master of Agricultural Sciences. She was born on March 26, 1979, in Vukovar. She leads a rose breeding company in Serbia. After earning her master’s degree…
Biljana Božanić Tanjga - Serbia
Above all, Biljana is a human being inspired by and following the laws of nature, paying attention to signs to better understand how energy flows.
Biljana holds a Master of Agricultural Sciences. She was born on March 26, 1979, in Vukovar. She leads a rose breeding company in Serbia. After earning her master’s degree, she continued several years of studying and working in the Netherlands, Belgium, and England.
Currently pursuing her PhD, Biljana is deeply involved in every phase of rose breeding, especially focusing on fragrance and bioactive compounds in petals. She combines her extensive practical experience with scientific insights to develop and promote innovative phenotype-genotype combinations. Her passion for using science to refine breeding methods ensures continuous progress, driving the creation of unique, high-quality rose varieties that meet both aesthetic and environmental standards. She is a passionate seeker of beauty. Roses are the supreme art of nature!
No wonder Biljana introduces herself “as a researcher, a woman, a mother and a rose breeder – who improves everything and everyone, wherever she can – starting with herself”.
She describes herself as, first and foremost, a researcher of everything beautiful in life, who refines herself through her various roles. Inspired by The Little Prince, she takes time for herself and her roses. Enjoy the beautiful, fragrant notes of roses with all your senses, and feel the joy and gratitude.
Her aim is to spread roses and fragrances all over the world!
You can learn more about Biljana’s work here:
Biljana Božanić Tanjga - Serbia
Pre svega, ljudsko biće koje je inspirisano Zakonima Prirode, i prati znakove Prirode kako bi bolje razumela kako se Energija pOKreće.
Biljanino službeno obrazovanje je Magistar poljoprivrednih nauka, rođena je 26. marta 1979. godine u Vukovaru. Vodi kompaniju za uzgoj i oplemenjivaje ruža u Srbiji. Kada je magistrirala, nastavila je višegodišnje školovanje i rad u Holandiji, Belgiji i Engleskoj.
Trenutno na doktorskim studijama, Biljana je duboko uključena u svaku fazu oplemenjivanja ruža, posebno mirisna i bioaktivna jedinjenja u laticama. Ona spaja svoje veliko praktično iskustvo sa naučnim uvidima kako bi razvila i promovisala inovativne kombinacije fenotip-genotip. Njena strast da koristi nauku za usavršavanje metoda uzgoja i oplemnjivanja osigurava kontinuirani napredak, podstičući stvaranje jedinstvenih, visokokvalitetnih sorti ruža koje ispunjavaju i estetske i ekološke standarde.
Biljana je strastveni tragalac za lepotom. Ruže su remek delo prirode!!!
Nije ni čudo što se Biljana predstavlja „kao istraživač, žena, majka i oplemenjivač ruža – koja unapređuje sve i svakoga, gde god može – počev od sebe“.
Za sebe kaže da je pre svega istraživač svega lepog u života, koja prvo oplemenjuje sebe, a to čini kroz sve svoje različite uloge u životu. Inspirisana Malim princom, odvaja vreme za sebe i ruže. Uživa svim svojim čulima u prelepim mirisnim notama ruža i oseća Radost i Zahvalnost.
Njen cilj je da širi Mirisne Ruže širom sveta !!!
Više o njenom radu možete pogledati na
Ana Licina
Ana has a degree in cultural studies/anthropology and initially worked at the Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Because she originates from a medical family, she has always been interested in the human body and especially how to maintain health and wellbeing with the help of Nature…
Ana Licina - Slovenia
Ana has a degree in cultural studies/anthropology and initially worked at the Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Because she originates from a medical family, she has always been interested in the human body and especially how to maintain health and wellbeing with the help of Nature.
She first encountered essential oils in 1994 while working as a student in a natural products store and they became her “love at first inhale”. After the birth of her second child, she decided to change professions and dedicate herself completely to aromatherapy. She learned about aromatic medicinal plants from Jade Shutes, Robert Tisserand, Cathy Skipper, Stribor Markovic and others. In 2014, she co-founded Sola Aromaterapije / Aromatherapy Institute and began teaching about aromatherapy and organizing public events: symposiums, local producers’ fairs and excursions to distilleries.
She launched AROMA ATELIER in spring 2020, where she continues her work in education and professionalization of aromatherapy. She teaches and writes about aromatherapy and is being invited on national television and radio to speak about aromatic plants. In the last decade Ana has been working closely with Slobodanka Poštić, with whom she prepares education on natural perfumery and exhibitions of natural perfumes. In collaboration with Marco Valussi, she organizes distillation education for distillers from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and other parts of Balkan region. Because the future is in the hands of children, she also educates children at the Waldorf School in Ljubljana.
Ana is a member of Slovenian commissions for the National Vocational Qualification Aromatherapist. She is the author of the educational program “Aromatherapy in wellness activities“ which is taught at Higher Vocational School for Cosmetics and Wellness, Ljubljana.
She is most interested in the interdisciplinary intertwining of natural perfumery, distillation, aromatherapy, phytotherapy, natural skincare, herb cultivation and ethnobotany. Because we have only one planet, and because aromatherapy is, in her view, a “wasteful practice” (for distillation we need for example so many plants, water, and energy), she is honored to be able to help raise awareness about the ecology, ethical sourcing, and protection of threatened species, as well, to facilitate the development of a more respectful and humble attitude towards Nature. You can learn more about Ana here
Ana Licina - Slovenia
Ana je diplomirala iz kulturnih študij in je sprva delala v Znanstveno raziskovalnem centru Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Ker izvira iz zdravniške družine, jo je vedno zanimalo človeško telo in predvsem, kako s pomočjo Narave ohraniti zdravje in dobro počutje.
Prvič se je z eteričnimi olji srečala leta 1994, ko je kot študentka delala v trgovini z naravnimi izdelki in postala so njena “ljubezen na prvi vdih”. Po rojstvu drugega otroka se je odločila spremeniti poklicno pot in se v celoti posvetiti aromaterapiji. O aromatičnih zdravilnih rastlinah se je učila od Jade Shutes, Roberta Tisseranda, Cathy Skipper, Striborja Markovića in drugih. Leta 2014 je soustanovila Šolo Aromaterapije/Aromatherapy Institute in začela poučevati o aromaterapiji in organizirati javne dogodke: simpozije, sejme lokalnih proizvajalcev in izlete v destilerije.
Spomladi 2020 je osnovala AROMA ATELIER, kjer nadaljuje svoje delo na področju izobraževanja in profesionalizaciji aromaterapije. O aromaterapiji poučuje in piše ter na nacionalni televiziji in radiu večkrat predstavlja zdravilne dišeče rastline. V zadnjem desetletju Ana tesno sodeluje s Slobodanko Poštić, s katero pripravljata izobraževanja o naravni parfumeristiki in razstave naravnih parfumov. V sodelovanju z Marcom Valussijem organizira izobraževanja o destilaciji za udeležence iz Slovenije, Hrvaške, BIH in drugih delov Balkana. Ker je prihodnost v rokah mladih, izobražuje tudi otroke na Waldorfski šoli v Ljubljani.
Ana je članica slovenske komisije za Nacionalno poklicno kvalifikacijo Aromaterapevt-ka. Je avtorica izobraževalnega programa “Aromaterapija v velneški dejavnosti”, ki ga izvaja Višja strokovna šola za kozmetiko in velnes v Ljubljani.
Najbolj jo zanima interdisciplinarno prepletanje naravne parfumeristike, destilacije, aromaterapije, fitoterapije, naravne nege kože, gojenja rastlin in etnobotanike. Ker imamo samo en planet in ker je aromaterapija po njenem mnenju “potratna praksa” (za destilacijo potrebujemo veliko rastlin, vode in energije), je počaščena, da lahko pomaga pri ozaveščanju o ekologiji, etičnem pridobivanju aromaterapevtskih materialov in zaščiti ogroženih vrst, da bi olajšali razvoj bolj spoštljivega in ponižnega odnosa do Narave. Več o Ani lahko izveste na

Dr. Sandi Nye
South Africa
Sandi is a registered Naturopath and Clinical Aromatherapist in South Africa with extensive qualifications in conventional, natural, holistic, and energetic medicine. Her four-decade career spans clinical practice, life sciences, teaching, writing, editing, community service, natural product research, development…
Dr. Sandi Nye - South Africa
A dedicated activist and advocate, since the 1990s, Sandi played a pivotal role in the successful statutory recognition and regulation of professional aromatherapy and other allied health professions in South Africa. She served multiple terms on the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa, representing aromatherapy and naturopathy in various roles. These days, she prefers working behind the scenes, nurturing and empowering the next generation to carry the aromatic torch forward. She has been an ICAN Fellow since 2021, and an Honorary Life Member of several professional associations.
On a personal level, Sandi treasures her role as a wife, mother, grandmother and friend. She loves animals, cooking, reading, gardening, crafting, and soap-making, a hobby and a business she has embraced for 60 years. As part of her philosophical and spiritual practise, she is deeply committed and actively engaged in various philanthropic activities. Sandi believes practising love and kindness is the cornerstone of conscious existence.
Passionate about nature, conservation, and sustainability, she is particularly committed to preserving indigenous medicinal and aromatic plants of the Cape Floral Kingdom. As Airmid Ambassador for South Africa she aims to focus particularly on projects that educate future generations about the preservation of indigenous medicinal and aromatic plants of the rich fynbos biome in the Western Cape of South Africa.
Dr. Sandi Nye
Sandi is ‘n geregistreerde Naturopaat en Kliniese Aromaterapeut in Suid-Afrika met uitgebreide kwalifikasies in konvensionele, natuurlike, holistiese en energetiese medisyne. Haar veertigjarige loopbaan strek oor kliniese praktyk, lewenswetenskappe, onderrig, skryf, redigering, gemeenskapsdiens, navorsing oor natuurlike produkte, ontwikkeling, formulering en vervaardiging. Sy beoefen reeds 40 jaar lank integrerende medisyne saam met haar man, Dr. David Nye.
As ‘n toegewyde aktivis en voorstander het Sandi sedert die 1990’s ‘n deurslaggewende rol gespeel in die suksesvolle wettige erkenning en regulering van professionele aromaterapie en ander geallieerde gesondheidsberoepe in Suid-Afrika. Sy het verskeie termyne op die Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa gedien, waar sy aromaterapie en naturopatie in verskeie hoedanighede verteenwoordig het. Deesdae verkies sy om agter die skerms te werk, en die volgende generasie te koester en bemagtig om die aromatiese fakkel vorentoe te dra. Sy is sedert 2021 ‘n ICAN-genoot en ‘n Erelewenslid van verskeie professionele verenigings.
Op ‘n persoonlike vlak koester Sandi haar rol as vrou, ma, ouma en vriendin. Sy is lief vir diere, kook, lees, tuinmaak, handwerk en seepmaak – ‘n stokperdjie én besigheid wat sy reeds vir 60 jaar beoefen. As deel van haar filosofiese en spirituele praktyk, is sy diep toegewyd en aktief betrokke by verskeie filantropiese aktiwiteite. Sy glo dat die beoefening van liefde en vriendelikheid die hoeksteen van bewuste bestaan is.
Sandi het ‘n passie en liefde vir die natuur en fynbos, veral vir die bewaring en volhoubaarheid van die kosbare endemiese aromatiese plante wat in die unieke bioom, bekend as die Kaapse Blomme Koninkryk, voorkom. As Airmid-Ambassadeur vir Suid-Afrika is haar doelwit om veral op projekte te fokus wat toekomstige geslagte opvoed oor die bewaring van inheemse medisinale en aromatiese plante van die ryk fynbos-bioom in die Wes-Kaap van Suid-Afrika.

Sílvia Jiménez Català & Kurt Michael Arruda
Silvia and Kurt are a couple and co-founders of Savia Íbera, a small family business dedicated to aromatic and medicinal plants and production of essential oils and hydrolats. Sílvia Jiménez Català was born in Barcelona and comes from a Catalan and Aragonese family (from Northern Spain). She has felt a strong connection…
Sílvia Jiménez Català & Kurt Michael Arruda - Spain
Silvia and Kurt are a couple and co-founders of Savia Íbera, a small family business dedicated to aromatic and medicinal plants and production of essential oils and hydrolats.
Sílvia Jiménez Català was born in Barcelona and comes from a Catalan and Aragonese family (from Northern Spain). She has felt a strong connection with the natural world since a very young age, especially with forests and medicinal wild plants, as she inherited this passion and knowledge from her grandparents and great-grandmother.
When she grew up she graduated in Biology at the University of Barcelona and since then she has not stopped studying and experimenting, learning every day a little bit more about the plant world and its extracts from a holistic and integrative point of view.
She has worked both in plant research projects (University of the Azores in Portugal and at the Centre for Agri-Food Research and Technology of Aragon, Spain) and in LIFE conservation projects led by the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA, a Portuguese NGO partner of Birdlife International).
She also has extensive experience on Environmental Education. She loves working with children and accompanying them on this exciting journey towards caring for the environment.
Kurt Michael Arruda, born in Canada, is native of the island of São Miguel, Azores, Portugal, although he has been living in Spain for several years. He shares the same passion for Nature, both terrestrial and aquatic worlds, as he used to spend his days surrounded by green mountains and the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean from a very young age. He has a real fascination for ecological systems and believes tenaciously that they are the true inspiration for sustainable living and production. After realizing that as a society we are “out of sync” with the living systems to which we belong, he began his personal quest to live in a more harmonious way, eventually finding what he was looking for, Permaculture and Regenerative Agriculture. As well as considering himself an eternal autodidact, he obtained the Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC), Queensland (Australia) and a grade of specialization in Ecological Agriculture in Aragon, Spain.
Sílvia Jiménez Català & Kurt Michael Arruda - español
Silvia y Kurt son pareja y co-fundador@ de Savia Íbera, una pequeña empresa familiar de cultivo de plantas aromático-medicinales y producción de aceites esenciales e hidrolatos.
Sílvia Jiménez Català nació en Barcelona y es descendiente de familia catalana y aragonesa (norte de España). Desde muy pequeña siente una estrecha conexión con el mundo natural, en especial, con los bosques y las plantas silvestres medicinales, ya que heredó la pasión y conocimiento de sus abuelos y bisabuela. Al crecer se licenció en Biología en la Universidad de Barcelona y desde entonces no ha dejado de estudiar y experimentar, aprendiendo cada día un poco más sobre el mundo vegetal y sus extractos desde una visión holística e integrativa.
Ha trabajado tanto en proyectos de investigación vegetal (Universidad de las Azores en Portugal y en el Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón en España) como en proyectos de conservación LIFE liderados por la Sociedad Portuguesa para el Estudio de las Aves (SPEA, ONG portuguesa socia de Birdlife International).
También tiene amplia experiencia en Educación Ambiental. Le encanta trabajar con niñ@s y acompañarlos en este emocionante viaje hacia el cuidado del medioambiente.
Kurt Michael Arruda, nacido en Canadá, es nativo de la isla de São Miguel, Azores, Portugal, aunque vive desde hace varios años en España. Comparte la misma pasión hacia la Naturaleza, tanto por lo terrestre como lo acuático, ya que desde muy pequeño solía pasar el día rodeado de las verdes montañas y las aguas profundas del océano Atlántico. Siente auténtica fascinación por los sistemas ecológicos y cree tenazmente que ellos son la auténtica inspiración para vivir y producir de forma sostenible. Después de darse cuenta de que como sociedad estamos “fuera de sintonía” con los sistemas vivos a los que pertenecemos, empezó su búsqueda personal para conseguir vivir de una forma más armoniosa, encontrando al final lo que estaba buscando, la Permacultura y la Agricultura Regenerativa. Además de considerarse un eterno autodidacta obtuvo el Certificado en Diseño en Permacultura (PDC), Queensland (Australia) y la especialización en Agricultura Ecológica en Aragón, España.
Sílvia Jiménez Català & Kurt Michael Arruda - Català
Silvia i Kurt son parella i co-fundadors de Savia Íbera, una petita empresa familiar de cultiu de plantes aromàtiques i medicinals i de producció d’olis essencials i hidrolats.
Sílvia Jiménez Català va néixer a Barcelona i és descendent de família catalana i aragonesa (del nord d’Espanya). Des de molt petita sent una estreta connexió amb el món natural, especialment amb els boscos i les plantes silvestres medicinals, ja que va heretar aquesta passió i coneixement dels seus àvis i besàvia. En créixer es va llicenciar en Biologia a la Universitat de Barcelona i des de llavors no ha deixat d’estudiar i experimentar, aprenent cada dia una mica més sobre el món vegetal i els seus extractes des d’una visió holística i integrativa.
Ha treballat tant en projectes de recerca vegetal (Universitat de les Açores a Portugal i en el Centre de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentària d’Aragó a Espanya) com en projectes de conservació LIFE liderats per la Societat Portuguesa per a l’Estudi de les Aus (SPEA, ONG portuguesa sòcia de Birdlife International).
També té àmplia experiència en Educació Ambiental. Li encanta treballar amb nens/es i acompanyar-los en aquest emocionant viatge cap a la protecció del medi ambient.
Kurt Michael Arruda, nascut al Canadà, és natiu de la illa de São Miguel, illes Açores, Portugal, encara que viu a Espanya des de fa anys. Comparteix la mateixa passió cap a la Naturalesa, tant per les formes terrestres com les aquàtiques, ja que des de molt petit solia passar el dia envoltat per verdes muntanyes i aigües profundes de l’oceà Atlàntic. Sent autèntica fascinació pels sistemes ecològics i creu tenaçment que ells són l’autèntica inspiració per a viure i produir de manera sostenible. Després de donar-se compte de que com a societat sembla que estiguem “fora de sintonia” amb els sistemes vius als quals pertanyem, va començar la seva cerca personal per a aconseguir viure d’una forma més harmoniosa, trobant al final el que estava buscant, la Permacultura i l’Agricultura Regenerativa. A més de considerarse un etern autodidacta va obtenir el Certificat en Disseny en Permacultura (PDC), Queensland (Austràlia) i l’especialització en Agricultura Ecològica a Aragó, Espanya.
Olga Kutukova
Olga Kutukova was born and lives in Moscow. She has been a longstanding supporter of the Airmid Institute and is committed to protecting threatened essential and carrier oil-bearing plants. This in part stems from her profound love, since childhood, for plants and natural fragrance. For many years, she spent summers…
Olga Kutukova - Russia
Olga Kutukova - Russia
Rosie Walker-Chen
Originally from the U.K., Rosie has lived in Taiwan for the past 18 years and is extremely happy to call Taiwan her home. She has been involved in education for over twenty years. From an early age Rosie has had a deep love of plants and nature. Culminating in becoming an Aromatherapist and a member of the IFPA…
Rosie Walker-Chen - Taiwan
Rosie Walker-Chen - Taiwan

Sevil Ağalar Altınel
Sevil Ağalar Altınel graduated from the Pharmaceutical Faculty of İstanbul University in Turkey and has a MS degree in Health Care and Marketing Administration from University of Long Island New York, USA. She started her pharmaceutical career as a product manager at Hoffman La Roche, a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical…
Sevil Ağalar Altınel - Turkey
She started her pharmaceutical career as a product manager at Hoffman La Roche, a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company, continued as an Oncology Busines Unit Manager at Bristol Myers Squibb, an American multinational pharmaceutical company and then at Jansen Cilag, a Belgium based multinational pharmaceutical company.
After leaving the pharmaceutical industry, she opened her own private pharmacy in Bebek, Istanbul. Natural products have been her focus both during her education and her professional life. After a while, she branded her natural formulations, under the name of ‘Nature & Nurture’.
Currently, she is continuing her Phytotherapy master’s education in Istanbul University Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy. She has been working on her thesis about Olea europaea leaf extract. Olea europaea L. is a well-known evergreen , immortal tree, native to the Mediterranean coast.
She has been writing aromaterapy /phytoterapy articles in different pharmaceutical journals and has been giving aromatherapy trainings. She has been working on the board of Aromader Turkish Aromatherapy Association and NGOs.
Sevil Ağalar Altınel - Turkey
Sevil Ağalar Altınel, Türkiye’de İstanbul Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi’nden mezun olmuştur. Long Island Üniversitesi, Newyork ABD’den Sağlık ve Pazarlama Yönetimi alanında yüksek lisans derecesine sahiptir.
İlaç sanayii kariyerine çok uluslu bir İsviçre ilaç firması olan Hoffman La Roche’da ürün müdürü olarak başlamış, çok uluslu bir Amerikan ilaç firması olan Bristol Myers Squibb’de ve ardından Belçika merkezli çok uluslu bir ilaç firması olan Jansen Cilag’da Onkoloji Bölüm Müdürü olarak devam etmiştir.
İlaç sektöründen ayrıldıktan sonra İstanbul Bebek’te kendi eczanesini açmıştır. Doğal ürünler, hem eğitimi hem de profesyonel hayatı boyunca odak noktası olmuştur. Bir süre sonra doğal formüllerini ‘Nature & Nurture’ adı altında markalaştırmıştır.
Halen İstanbul Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Farmakognozi Ana Bilim Dalında Fitoterapi yüksek lisans eğitimine devam etmektedir. Olea europaea yaprağı ekstresi üzerine tez çalışmasını yürütmektedir. Olea europaea L., Akdeniz kıyılarına özgü, yaprak dökmeyen, ölümsüz, mucizevi bir ağaçtır.
Eczacı Sevil Ağalar Altınel, farklı farmasötik dergilerde aromaterapi/fitoterapi makaleleri yazmakta ve aromaterapi eğitimleri vermektedir. Aromader, Türk Aromaterapi Derneği ve bazı STK’ların yönetim kurullarında görev yapmaktadır.

Kateryna Bilous
Kateryna (Kate) Bilous is a practicing aromatherapist from Ukraine. She works in a natural healing and wellness center where most of her clients are pregnant women and families with children. She also provides online consultations. The safe and ethical use of essential oils, vegetable oils and herbs…
Kateryna Bilous
Kateryna (Kate) Bilous is a practicing aromatherapist from Ukraine. She works in a natural healing and wellness center where most of her clients are pregnant women and families with children. She also provides online consultations. The safe and ethical use of essential oils, vegetable oils and herbs are her priority.
Since childhood, her family has been using medicinal plants instead of pharmaceutical products. She received a lot of knowledge about the power of herbs from her mother and grandmother – and her paternal ancestors had the gift of healing.
She loves to combine the scientific knowledge she gained at Aromahead Institute with the information she gets from the plants themselves and through essential oils. Their spirit and energy fascinate her. She always greets them and thanks them which is why it is so important for her to take care of their protection.
Kate is deeply connected to her native land and its many flowers and trees which are currently under massive threat. Even so, she spreads awareness of Nature’s beauty and its value, and will be working with Airmid to continue to spread awareness, highlight unique and fragile plants in Ukraine – and protect them however possible. Kate is full of joy and a ray of sunshine – we are so fortunate to have Kate on board.
Dr Jacqui Stringer PhD, RGN, MIFPA
The United Kingdom
Jacqui is Clinical & Research Lead for the Complementary Health & Wellbeing services at The Christie NHS Trust; an acute cancer hospital in Manchester, UK, where she has been working clinically with essential oils since 1997. Her clinical focus is the management of patients with complex physiological…
Dr Jacqui Stringer PhD, RGN, MIFPA - The United Kingdom
Jacqui is Clinical & Research Lead for the Complementary Health & Wellbeing services at The Christie NHS Trust; an acute cancer hospital in Manchester, UK, where she has been working clinically with essential oils since 1997. Her clinical focus is the management of patients with complex physiological and / or psychological needs, at all stages of their treatment. The role includes maintaining a clinical case load where essential oil preparations are used in conjunction with standard licensed medications to facilitate maximum healing / symptom support. In addition to her clinical duties, Jacqui leads on the department’s research programme as a central part of her role. Fundamental to her leadership is addressing the issue of sustainability when choosing essential oils, for use in both the clinical and research setting. Crucially, we look to use oils grown in a sustainable way, preferably using approaches, which are integral to and beneficial for a country’s innate ecology.